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The main requirements of glitter powder

Publish Date 2021-01-08
Glitter powder's materials is selected by high standard Film.Its process requirements is ultra-high,especially in environmental protection,such as formaldehyde,heavy metal content and acid and alkali resistance,high temperature

resistance and other indicators to meet the high standard requirements.

As glitter has the feature of unique metal flash texture and 3D sense rich effect,glitter can be applied for screen printing,clothing printing, paper printing, leather printing and other mainstream industries.

Glitter powder's main requirement:

①Washable resistant,alkali resistant(PH value <=10),cooking(keep 100℃)for 1 hour.

② Glitter can be washed more than 5 times in the warm water 70℃

③ Each kilogram of glitter powder contains no more than 30 PPM.of formaldehyde

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